Monday 23 September 2024

ESAG Open Meeting 2024 in Zurich

Date: November 16, 2024 1:15-2:30 PM

Venue: Institute of Archaeology, University of Zurich, Rämistrasse 73 [google map]

Speakers: Pascal Broulis (president of the Board of Trustees of the Swiss School), Sylvian Fachard (director of the Swiss School), Tamara Saggini (SNSF senior researcher), Chloé Chezeaux (assistant at Lausanne University), Tobias Krapf (scientific secretary of the Swiss School), Lorenz Baumer (professor at Geneva University)

University of Zurich, Institute of Archaeology

The fieldwork of the Swiss School in 2024

Sylvian Fachard, director of the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece, will present an overview of the School’s fieldwork and activities in 2024, before leaving the stage to the field directors.

  • Excavation in the Sanctuary of Artemis at Amarynthos in 2024 (Tamara Saggini).
  • Eretria-Amarynthos Survey Project 2024 (Chloé Chezeaux)
  • Survey and excavation in Aegina, Hellanion Oros 2024 (Tobias Krapf)
  • Antikythera Wreck 2024 (Lorenz Baumer)

The presentations will be given in German and French.

ESAG Open Meeting in Zurich is organized in close collaboration with the Swiss Association for Classical Archaeology which hold the same day a roundtable on the future of Classical archaeology (program).