New release
The ERETRIA series now features Volume XXVI by Tamara Saggini on Archaic pottery.
The ERETRIA series now features Volume XXVI by Tamara Saggini on Archaic pottery.
The first volume of the new AMARYNTHOS series is inaugurated by Denis Knoepfler, who publishes…
The 2024 Fieldwork report is online
November 16, 2024 1:15 PM, Institute of Archaeology, University of Zurich
The 2024 exploration of the Antikythera wreck revealed, in the depths, a significant and well-preserved…
A team of Swiss and Greek archaeologists excavates the summit of the highest mountain of…
April 26, 2024 7:00 PM Athens
For the fourth consecutive year, a team of Swiss and Greek archaeologists worked at the…
A documentary film traces the fascinating investigation that led to the discovery of the sanctuary…
The 2023 Fieldwork report is online
November 25, 2023 10:30 AM, Skulpturhalle Basel
A team of Swiss and Greek archaeologists recently completed the third season of excavations on…
March 24, 2023 7:00 PM Athens
The Annual Report 2022 is online
The exploration of the sanctuary of Artemis Amarysia on the island of Euboea continued in…
Reconstructing Greek Sacred Landscapes: Dynamics and Approaches from the Field. Round Table, Fondation Hardt Vandœuvres,…
Scattered in the mountains south of the island of Euboea, the "dragon houses" are among…
Second season of the underwater archaeological project on the Antikythera shipwreck
Sunday 12/06/2022, 7pm: Listen to the Swiss archaeologists presenting the groundbreaking discoveries at Amarynthos (Euboea)…
Athens and Attica in the Early Iron Age and the Archaic Period
March 10, 2022 7:00 PM (Athens), zoom conference
The Annual Report 2021 is online
The remains of two successive temples as well as a rich deposit of hundreds of…
A scientific outreach project to the study of archaeological heritage in classrooms
Appointment of ESAG Director and the scent of sensational discoveries
XXIV La céramique d’époque hellénistique — XXV Les thermes du centre
The Annual Report 2020 is online
June 17, 2021 7:00 PM (Athens), zoom conference
ἀποβάτης – A collection of Essays in Honor of Karl Reber on the occasion of…
The Annual Report 2019 is online
Kristine Gex, Im Zentrum der Stadt (2019)
November 22, 2019, 11:00. Antikensammlung Bern.
The Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece organises a session on Euboean sanctuaries.
March 7, 2019 19:00. National Hellenic Research Foundation, 48 Vas. Constantinou, Athens.
The School's Fieldwork in 2018 is online
An image of the excavation in the Gymnasium of Eretria wins the first prize
The Hellenic post has issued a commemorative stamp to mark the discovery of the Sanctuary…
A groundbreaking discovery
International Colloquium "Pithecusa and Euboea between East and West" – Lacco Ameno (Ischia) – 14th…
March 8, 2018 19:00. National Hellenic Research Foundation, 48 Vas. Constantinou, Athens.
An exhibition and a lectures series to celebrate a century of research at Philippes, a…
After more than a century of research, a team of Swiss and Greek archaeologists has…
March 9, 2017 19:00. National Hellenic Research Foundation, 48 Vas. Constantinou, Athens.
Pottery Production at Eretria (Euboea) from Early Helladic to Hellenistic Times. Lausanne University - 02-03/03/2017
March 10, 2016 19:00. National Hellenic Research Foundation, 48 Vas. Constantinou, Athens.
An International Colloquium on paleoenvironmental changes and human occupation in the Mediterranean islands since the…
Professor Irene S Lemos (Merton College) is organizing a Classical Archaeology Seminar at Oxford University…
March 12, 2015 19:00. Acropolis Museum in Athens, 15 Dionysiou Areopagitou Street, Athens 11742.
Colloquium: Athens, Acropolis Museum, May 15-16, 2014
March 7, 2013 19:00. Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens, 22 Vas. Sofias Ave., 10675…
Conférence de Denis Knoepfler et Guy Ackermann, "Un nouveau document sur les institutions et les…
March 08, 2012 19:00. National Hellenic Research Foundation
Early Iron Age Pottery: A Quantitative Approach. Proceedings of the International Round Table organized by…
March 10, 2011 - National Hellenic Research Foundation
Sur les pas d'un héros mythique enraciné dans le sol et dans l'histoire d'une cité…
An international exhibition of almost 450 items from the ancient site of Eretria.
An international exhibition of almost 450 items from the ancient site of Eretria
Former President of the Swiss Confederation, Pascal Couchepin, was elected President of the School's Foundation…
March 19, 2009 19:00. National Hellenic Research Foundation
The wildfires that consumed Greece in Summer 2007 ravaged several archaeological sites in the territory…