Visit the site
Several monuments are freely open to visitors during the Museum opening hours, in particular the West Quarter as well as the pavilion protecting the House with the Mosaics (ask for the key at the Museum).
Access to the theater is unfortunately no longer possible because of the monument’s poor state of preservation.

Eretria, West Quarter
Recommended tours
Visit 1: the lower town

A wide stretch of land free of modern constructions lays at the foot of the acropolis, where several important monuments of the ancient city of Eretria are worth visiting.
In the heart of the ancient city lays the agora, centre of economic and political life, and the main cult place of the Eretrians, the sanctuary of Apollo Daphnephoros.
The modern town displays a rich 19th-century architectural heritage.
1-5 The West Quarter and the Heroon
6 The City Walls
7 The West Gate
8 The Terrace of the Tombs
9 The Temple of Dionysos
10 The Theater
11 The Gymnasium
12-15 The House of the Mosaics and the Sebasteion
16 The Quarter of the Panathenaic Amphoras
17 The East Sector
18-22 The Sanctuary of Apollo Daphnephoros
23 The East Stoa and the agora
24 The Public Fountain House
25 The Tholos
26 The Baths at the Harbor
27 The Harbor
Visit 2: the Southeast Quarter

28 The Iseion
29 The Palaestra
30 The Sanctuary of Eileithyia
Visit 3: the acropolis

The gentle walk along the stretch of fortification to the top of the acropolis offers an astonishing panoramic view on the Euboean Gulf as well as a pleasant nature trail. The hill sheltered sanctuaries, as well as private dwellings and public buildings (cistern).
31 The Thesmophoreion 1
32 The Thesmophoreion 2
33 The summit plateau of the acropolis
34 The Cistern
35 The houses on the acropolis
36 The fortification wall on the acropolis